pretty handsome

Saturday, August 09, 2008


What is an Actionista? Actionista is someone who:

Turns ideas into action instead of dreaming about what lies ahead.
Is smart, strong & powerful. She can be whoever she wants to be.
Speaks her mind & expresses her opinions. She is seen & heard.

Takes responsibility for her own life – physically, emotionally & spiritually.
Focuses on her strengths & puts a stop to negative patterns.
Knows her weaknesses & has the courage to change whatever needs to be changed.

Treat herself well – she eats healthily, exercises & gets enough shut eye. She is comfortable in her own skin.
Makes a difference in something she truly believes in.
Counts her blessings & realises that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Admits her mistakes, learns from them & keep moving.
Is firm. Sticks to her values & principals & doesn’t stoop & peer pressure.
Takes charge & will not be assaulted physically @ emotionally.
Searches inside herself & reaches outward to help others.

Grabs opportunities that come her way instead of regretting her decision not to.
Gives her best & put her heart into everything that she does.
Does not get defeated if she fails. Instead, she tries again & does not quit easily.

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