pretty handsome

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Imagination turns Reality

go on! watch the above movie! I know I did enjoy it ;) there's 3D version, in case popcorn isn't enough, try eat the food out of the screen, hahaha! interesting + food-able + knowledgeable. . . and maybe (just maybe) after watching, you will want to invent something *pengaruh movie sangat kuat*

*jalan-jalan di malam hari di bandar melaka. will do it again next time*


Shikin Hambali said...

o da tgk ek.... huhu kalau 3d dapat rasa food tu tak?? kan best!!

nurul farhana said...

hahaha yekott dpt rsa food tu. cpt2 g tgk! tringt kcik2 tgk 3D jurasic park...